Open Access Publication Charges

This is an open-access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given, and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

Article Processing Charges for Overseas Authors: w.e.f. 15-07-2024

Developed Countries: Pay in INR equivalent to USD 2800 (2,800 US Dollar = 2,35,382 Indian Rupee)

Developing Countries: Pay in INR equivalent to USD 1843 (1,843.00 US Dollar =154,931.79 Indian Rupee), and the other Countries: Pay in INR equivalent to USD 732 (732.00 US Dollar = 61,535.58 Indian Rupee)

Article Processing Charges for Indian Authors: w.e.f. 15-07-2024

INR 32,000 (Thirty two thousand) only)

How you can reduce your open access article processing charges?


The management has decided to award a fellowship in the name of the mother of the editor-in-chief.

The above scholarship will be given in the form of a reduction up to 50 per cent in the APC to the quality manuscripts received from FEMALE RESEARCH SCHOLARS FROM SC, ST AND MINORITY COMMUNITY, UNPAID REESEARCH SCHOLARS FROM ALL CATEGORIES AND FACULTY MEMBERS NOT GETTING FULL UGC SCALE from a private university, like Amity etc. 

Use any of the two accounts given  below ONLY for transfering the article processing charges (APC) :


Account Number: 43342890573

Bank and Branch Name: State Bank of India, Main Branch, Civil Lines, Faizabad

IFSC: SBIN0000075

2. Use UPI ID: 7411967696@indianbk


Countries eligible for a discount (up to 25 to 50 %) in APC:

1. Albania 38. Ghana 75. Niue
2. Algeria 39. Grenada 76. Papua New Guinea
3. Angola 40. Guatemala 77. Paraguay
4. Argentina 41. Guinea 78. Peru
5. Armenia 42. Guinea-Bissau 79. Philippines
6. Azerbaijan 43. Guyana 80. Saint Helena
7. Belarus 44. Haiti 81. Samoa
8. Belize 45. Honduras 82. São Tomé and Príncipe
9. Benin 46. Jamaica 83. Senegal
10. Bolivia 47. Jordan 84. Serbia
11. Bosnia and Herzegovina 48. Kazakhstan 85. Sierra Leone
12. Botswana 49. Kenya 86. South Africa
13. Burkina Faso 50. Kiribati 87. Saint Lucia
14. Burundi 51. Lao People's Democratic Republic 88. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
15. Cabo Verde 52. Lesotho 89. Sudan
16. Cameroon 53. North Macedonia 90. Suriname
17. Central African Republic 54. Madagascar 91. Tajikistan
18. Chad 55. Malawi 92. Tanzania
19. Comoros 56. Malaysia 93. Thailand
20. Democratic Republic of Congo 57. Maldives 94. Timor-Leste
21. Costa Rica 58. Mali 95. Togo
22. Côte d'Ivoire 59. Marshall Islands 96. Tokelau
23. Cuba 60. Mauritania 97. Tonga
24. Djibouti 61. Mauritius 98. Tunisia
25. Dominica 62. Mexico 99. Turkmenistan
26. Dominican Republic 63. Micronesia 100. Tuvalu
27. Ecuador 64. Moldova 101. Uganda
28. Egypt 65. Mongolia 102. Ukraine
29. El Salvador 66. Montenegro 103. Uzbekistan
30. Equatorial Guinea 67. Montserrat 104. Vanuatu
31. Eritrea 68. Morocco 105. Venezuela
32. Eswatini 69. Mozambique 106. Vietnam
33. Ethiopia 70. Namibia 107. Wallis and Futuna
34. Fiji 71. Nauru 108. West Bank and Gaza Strip
35. Gabon 72. Nicaragua 109. Zambia
36. Gambia 73. Niger 110. Zimbabwe
37. Georgia 74. Nigeria  

* Conditions apply.