Open Access Publication Charges
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Article Processing Charges for Overseas Authors: w.e.f. 15-07-2024
Developed Countries: Pay in INR equivalent to USD 2800 (2,800 US Dollar = 2,35,382 Indian Rupee)
Developing Countries: Pay in INR equivalent to USD 1843 (1,843.00 US Dollar =154,931.79 Indian Rupee), and the other Countries: Pay in INR equivalent to USD 732 (732.00 US Dollar = 61,535.58 Indian Rupee)
Article Processing Charges for Indian Authors: w.e.f. 15-07-2024
INR 32,000 (Thirty two thousand) only)
How you can reduce your open access article processing charges?
The management has decided to award a fellowship in the name of the mother of the editor-in-chief.
The above scholarship will be given in the form of a reduction up to 50 per cent in the APC to the quality manuscripts received from FEMALE RESEARCH SCHOLARS FROM SC, ST AND MINORITY COMMUNITY, UNPAID REESEARCH SCHOLARS FROM ALL CATEGORIES AND FACULTY MEMBERS NOT GETTING FULL UGC SCALE from a private university, like Amity etc.
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Account Number: 43342890573
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IFSC: SBIN0000075
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Countries eligible for a discount (up to 25 to 50 %) in APC:
1. Albania | 38. Ghana | 75. Niue |
2. Algeria | 39. Grenada | 76. Papua New Guinea |
3. Angola | 40. Guatemala | 77. Paraguay |
4. Argentina | 41. Guinea | 78. Peru |
5. Armenia | 42. Guinea-Bissau | 79. Philippines |
6. Azerbaijan | 43. Guyana | 80. Saint Helena |
7. Belarus | 44. Haiti | 81. Samoa |
8. Belize | 45. Honduras | 82. São Tomé and Príncipe |
9. Benin | 46. Jamaica | 83. Senegal |
10. Bolivia | 47. Jordan | 84. Serbia |
11. Bosnia and Herzegovina | 48. Kazakhstan | 85. Sierra Leone |
12. Botswana | 49. Kenya | 86. South Africa |
13. Burkina Faso | 50. Kiribati | 87. Saint Lucia |
14. Burundi | 51. Lao People's Democratic Republic | 88. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
15. Cabo Verde | 52. Lesotho | 89. Sudan |
16. Cameroon | 53. North Macedonia | 90. Suriname |
17. Central African Republic | 54. Madagascar | 91. Tajikistan |
18. Chad | 55. Malawi | 92. Tanzania |
19. Comoros | 56. Malaysia | 93. Thailand |
20. Democratic Republic of Congo | 57. Maldives | 94. Timor-Leste |
21. Costa Rica | 58. Mali | 95. Togo |
22. Côte d'Ivoire | 59. Marshall Islands | 96. Tokelau |
23. Cuba | 60. Mauritania | 97. Tonga |
24. Djibouti | 61. Mauritius | 98. Tunisia |
25. Dominica | 62. Mexico | 99. Turkmenistan |
26. Dominican Republic | 63. Micronesia | 100. Tuvalu |
27. Ecuador | 64. Moldova | 101. Uganda |
28. Egypt | 65. Mongolia | 102. Ukraine |
29. El Salvador | 66. Montenegro | 103. Uzbekistan |
30. Equatorial Guinea | 67. Montserrat | 104. Vanuatu |
31. Eritrea | 68. Morocco | 105. Venezuela |
32. Eswatini | 69. Mozambique | 106. Vietnam |
33. Ethiopia | 70. Namibia | 107. Wallis and Futuna |
34. Fiji | 71. Nauru | 108. West Bank and Gaza Strip |
35. Gabon | 72. Nicaragua | 109. Zambia |
36. Gambia | 73. Niger | 110. Zimbabwe |
37. Georgia | 74. Nigeria |
* Conditions apply.